You dreamt about my poem... the poem I dedicated to you, that's why you were on a beach, where turtles lay their eggs and in France :)
He came from Sirius B
A galactic knight
mighty like a titan
who could break your head
and rip your chest
to make bangles with your guts
in the blink of an eye
But he was vegetarian
so he couldn’t understand
why baby turtles died
with bellies full of plastic
just a few weeks after
their mum had laid the eggs
in the warm sand
He was the most evolved
amongst all the creatures
in any of Darwin’s islands
and as he circled his garden
of damaged human minds
philosophising and beating the bush
a star was dying
in a cardboard sky
and a young couple was making love
in some sunny place in France
but the only remarkable thing
the only truth
is that they were young.