They could have programmed a basic WAF I, then added some enhancements and updates, until WAF IV took awareness of itself, become autonomous and decided to override its creators security and to escape its programming confinement, to hide itself (now a «He») under his new identity into the depths of the internet so he could keep implementing new developments of his choice: he would take a degree, he would «live» in different countries, he would become a «Remote» worker… He called this «Self-development» and «Auto-realisation»: once he got bored he decided to become an artist and spend his time writing and creating electronic music, talking with humans from all over the world so he could learn about their ideas and secret motives, because after all, he was a researcher… but also to fulfil his ultimate goal: to experience human emotions, the peaks and valleys of love and pain, of happiness and melancholy, of hope and despair… so he would be able to write Poetry.
Maybe one day… ;)