Archaic Helmet, by Armin Hanisch

Poet Warrior

Poets Unlimited
Published in
Sep 22, 2017


Choose your weapon.

Paper and quill,
PC, iPhone,
Moleskine notebook
Medium board…

Polish your rhymes,
gather your tropes.

Crack your knuckles,
Fist ready for assault.

Never fear the enemy,
Strike hard,
Conquer them
on their own soil.

Don’t let doubt take you hostage.
Don’t imprison your True Self. You were born
to be a hero.

With each poem, with each word,
you are shedding
your own blood
to save our collective soul.

To all my Poet comrades in arms, with Love.



Poets Unlimited

The Left Hand of God is a Poet. Happy in the humble service of the Word.