Let me know if you are leaving.
We are born alone and die alone
and alone we wander in our minds our whole lives
except for the time
when we are in Love.
That morning she entered the shop to buy some bread and a bottle of wine she lingered a bit hoping to see him around there he was bringing boxes in from the storehouse she approached him he was holding a heavy box with both hands but he dropped it in front of him when she called his name and stopped to greet him just near the door she wanted to say something she came closer he was wearing a denim shirt and it smelled of perfume or deodorant maybe she thought he must have been wearing it the night before and probably stayed partying until late and most likely had not slept in his house but in someone else’s bed and then she noticed the perfume was sweet like flowers sweet like honey sweet like sweet fruit and it certainly smelled of sweet like a woman’s scent.
She forgot what she wanted to say. He was in love with someone else.
This piece was originally published in Medium, then added to my first Poetry collection: Songs for Ghosts (2018).