Jul 24, 2022

I can relate to your experience: also learned to read at three y.o. , avid reader, extended vocabulary for my age growing up plus multi-lingual. I stopped reading when I reached University: I chose the wrong career (Law) and was overwhelmed by the amount of useless memorising required to pass the exams… reading was not relaxing anymore but the thought of “how can I be reading when I should be studying” made me anxious instead.
In retrospect I think I went through a stage of depression and that prevented me for enjoying activities like reading. I wasn’t living in the present moment.
I don’t read many books now either, but I read many articles, short stories, posts, poems, etc
My attention span might have been diminished by the stress from work, Internet and multitasking. Also, not living in the present moment. Trying to improve that…


Written by SouthpawPoet

The Left Hand of God is a Poet. Happy in the humble service of the Word.

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