I can only say I regret more what I haven’t done…probably because I will never know the consequences of doing it… and our brains have a hard time dealing with uncertainty.
Also, I regret the “not doing it” because I would have liked to do it at the time, but restrained myself from doing it out of lack of courage or self imposed “social conventions”. That is, for not being true to myself.
And that’s another thing I wanted to say, because in some articles (by different writers) I have observed of late this tendency to apply to emotions this Utilitarian rationale that you shouldn’t declare your feelings to someone because that could cause them some distress…
So if they are emotionally mature and healthy people, why should a love/affection declaration procure them such distress? I’m not talking about trespassing physical boundaries or stalking someone who has rejected you or is clearly not interested, etc…
In a normal situation, when you’ve met someone for a certain amount of time and you develop some feelings, it is natural to share them verbally, or to try to get gradually closer physically (tap your arm, hold hands, etc)
To quote at least a hundred songs…you should listen to your heart…it knows best :)